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Feedback and complaints

At The Old Dairy Health Centre, we make every effort to ensure we give the best service to everyone who visits our practice.

We do understand that sometimes things can go wrong and a patient may feel the need to make a complaint. If this is the case, we will act to resolve the matter amicably and swiftly.

Giving feedback

To provide feedback:

Making a complaint

We hope you always find that our services are effective, well run and meet your needs. Our doctors, nurses and the rest of the team aim to be friendly, professional and efficient. We are here for you.

If you have any suggestions to make about how we do things now or changes and improvements which could be made, please let us know.

Speak to someone when you visit us or fill out a Comments and Suggestions Form and post it in the box in Front Reception.


If you have a complaint or concern about the service you have received from the practice, please let us know.

We operate a complaints procedure as part of the NHS system for dealing with complaints. The practice complaints procedure meets national criteria.

How to complain

It is best to tell a member of staff about any concern or problems as soon as they arise and we will try and sort them out.

If you wish to make a complaint, please let us have details of your complaint as soon as possible so we can find out what happened. It helps us if you can give us as full details as possible.

You need to make your complaint within 12 months of the incident that caused the problem OR within 12 months of discovering that you have a problem relating to a specific incident.

What we will do

  • We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint in writing within three working days.
  • We will look into your complaint to find out what went wrong.
  • Invite you to a meeting to discuss your problem, if this is appropriate.
  • Apologise where appropriate.
  • Identify what we can do to make sure the problem does not happen again.

Complaining on behalf of someone else

Medical records are protected by the Data Protection Act 1998. If you are complaining on behalf of someone else we need to know that you have their permission to do so. A letter giving explicit consent and signed by the person concerned will be required unless they are incapable (i.e. due to illness) of providing this. If they are not capable of doing this the representative must be able to demonstrate sufficient interest in the patient’s welfare and be an appropriate person to act on their behalf.

Getting help

POhWER is a charity who can provide free independent advocacy services for patients, offering impartial support when you are making a complaint. They can help to draft a letter, arrange interpreting as and when appropriate and arrange to accompany you to a meeting.

Contact details for POhWER

0300 456 2370


PO Box 14043
B6 9BL

If you prefer, you can phone or write to the complaints department at NHS England:

PO Box 16738,
B97 9PT


0300 311 22 33

If you are not satisfied

You also have the right to have your complaint considered by the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman who carries out independent investigations into complaints about the NHS in England. The contact details are:

Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman,
Millbank Tower,


0345 015 4033



  • We want you to let us know if you are unhappy or have a suggestion about how we can do things better.
  • All complaints are treated in the strictest confidence.
  • Making a complaint will not affect your treatment or care.

Contacting us

The Complaints Manager
The Old Dairy Health Centre
19B Croxted Road
SE21 8SZ

020 8761 8070

