Intimate images

With the increased use of online and remote consultations, there may be some occasions where we ask you to send us an image of your area of concern. To protect both our patients and our team, we adhere to strict guidelines about the request, receipt, storage and deletion of any images we ask you to send us.

By law, we cannot receive any images of sensitive areas of any patients under the age of 18. For patients over the age of 18, the law is different and images can be sent but only with the full consent of the patient. However, we would usually agree a different method of consultation if this was your area of concern.

You are not permitted to send any images to us without the express request of the clinician and this request will be documented in the medical record, including the type and location of the authorised image. Any images sent without express permission or that exceed the permission given will be deleted and may be subject to further action.

Before you add a photo, please confirm

  • This photo does not contain child breasts, anus, or genitals
  • You are happy that male or female practice staff may see this photo
  • You are aware the practice may save this photo to my medical record

By submitting a picture you accept that you’ve read and agreed to the above.

Tips for taking a good photo

  • Make sure you have adequate lighting
  • Make sure the subject is clear and in-focus (the image has crisp edges)
  • Where appropriate place a ruler or coin in the photo to provide a sense of scale