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Local care record

To enable information sharing to happen more quickly and to improve the care you receive, a new process has been put in place in Lambeth called the Local Care Record .

Through existing computer systems, this will join up care records held at your GP practice with the three main local hospital organisations: Guy’s and St Thomas’, King’s College Hospital and South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trusts.

Information is only shared when it is needed to make your care and treatment safer, easier and faster and only with those people directly involved in your care. This could include allowing a hospital doctor to see the medication that a GP has prescribed for you when you go into hospital or allowing a GP to see what care, tests or treatment you received while in hospital.

Whenever possible, professionals will inform you that they are accessing your care record. This may not be possible every time, for example in an emergency. However each time a person accessing your information there is a clear record of it. You can contact this number for more information 020 7188 8801 or email

You can opt back into LCR at any time, just put your request in writing.